Latin America unites for development – Cuba becomes CELAC President

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(VOVworld) – The Latin American and Caribbean region (CELAC) commits to build a common space of political independence and sovereignty to advance toward sustainable development. It was the content of the Santiago Declaration adopted at the 2nd CELAC Summit in Chile on Monday.

(VOVworld) – The Latin American and Caribbean region (CELAC) commits to build a common space of political independence and sovereignty to advance toward sustainable development. It was the content of the Santiago Declaration adopted at the 2nd CELAC Summit in Chile on Monday.

Latin America unites for development – Cuba becomes CELAC President - ảnh 1
Cuban President Raul Castro addressed the CELAC summit (source:AFP)

CELAC leaders agreed on specific measures to eliminate hunger, reduce poverty, combat gender inequality, respond to natural calamities, fight drug trafficking, and protect immigrants. The summit approved a series of special communiqués to express its support for Argentina’s sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands in a dispute with the UK, protest the US’ embargo on Cuba, and assistance for Haitian people in national reconstruction after the earthquake. Regarding the Syrian conflict, the Declaration called on involved parties to reach a long lasting peaceful solution without external interference, respecting sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence of this nation.

At the summit, Chilean President Sebastian Pinera transferred the CELAC Presidency to Cuban President Raul Castro, marking Cuban full regional reintegration after being deprived from the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1962 under the US pressure. Raul underscored the nation’s ultimate goal is to contribute to consolidate the first collaboration and integration mechanism of all 33 Latin American and Caribbean nations.

