Japanese cherry blossom, Yen Tu yellow apricot blossom showcased in Ha Long

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – A festival of Japanese cherry blossoms and Yen Tu yellow apricot blossoms opened on Saturday in Quang Ninh province, featuring a range of cultural activities. T
(VOVworld) – A festival of Japanese cherry blossoms and Yen Tu yellow apricot blossoms opened on Saturday in Quang Ninh province, featuring a range of cultural activities. The festival, the 5th of its kind, organized by Quang Ninh province and the Japan International Culture Association WANOKAI intends to promote culture, trade, and tourism cooperation between Vietnam and Japan.
Japanese cherry blossom, Yen Tu yellow apricot blossom showcased in Ha Long  - ảnh 1
Art performances open the festival in Ha Long city on March 11. (VOV)

Pham Hong Ha, Chairman of the Ha Long municipal People’s Committee, said:“The festival promises interesting experiences of the culture and history of Quang Ninh province and other Japanese localities. They will be fascinated at beautiful cherry and apricot flowers and boisterous atmosphere at this event.”

On display are 50 cherry trees and 5,000 cherry blossoms from Japan, and 60 Yen Tu yellow apricot trees. The festival also includes art performances praising beautiful scenery, traditions, and development of both countries. It will last until Wednesday.  

Japanese cherry blossom, Yen Tu yellow apricot blossom showcased in Ha Long  - ảnh 2
Festival goers take photo with the beautiful flowers. (Photo: VOV)
