Israeli PM pledges to tackle surging violence

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(VOVworld) – The Israeli government has pledged to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of the Israeli people, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at an emergency security cabinet meeting on Monday.
Israeli PM pledges to tackle surging violence - ảnh 1
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem, Sunday, Sept. 6, 2015. (Menahem Kahana/Pool photo via AP)
(VOVworld) – The Israeli government has pledged to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of the Israeli people, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at an emergency security cabinet meeting on Monday. Amid rising tensions with the Palestinians, Prime Minister Netanyahu said he was sending thousands of additional police and soldiers into Jerusalem and West Bank areas in order to restore security for Israelis. He said Israel has added four battalions to the IDF deployment in Judea and Samaria and thousands of police in Jerusalem.
Four Israelis have been killed in terror attacks since Thursday. A five-man Hamas cell who killed a couple in the West Bank Thursday on night have been arrested, Israeli security officials announced on Monday.  Netanyahu added that there are no limits on Israeli security forces and Israel is not prepared to give immunity to anybody, not to rioters, or terrorists anywhere.
