Iran and P5+1 agree on negotiation next month

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(VOVworld)- According to UN High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, Iran and P5+1 (the UK, the US, Russia, France, China and Germany) will hold a third round of talks from April 7-9 in Vienna.

Iran and P5+1 agree on negotiation next month - ảnh 1
Photo: The Back Channel
(VOVworld)- According to UN High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, Iran and P5+1 (the UK, the US, Russia, France, China and Germany) will hold a third round of talks from April 7-9 in Vienna.
This announcement was made in a joint statement released on Wednesday. The joint statement said that Iran and P5+1 will continue to pursue a peace agreement through the 3-day meeting in Vienna.
The meeting will address uranium enrichment, the Arak reactor, nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and loosening sanctions against Iran. Zarif said he is optimism about the possibility of signing a comprehensive agreement by July 20. He said Iran is not concerned about possessing nuclear weapons, which would hamper national security.
