Hezbollah warns of rocket barrage if Israel attacks Lebanon

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Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel on Sunday that thousands of rockets would rain down on Tel Aviv and cities across the Jewish state if it attacked Lebanon.

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel on Sunday that thousands of rockets would rain down on Tel Aviv and cities across the Jewish state if it attacked Lebanon. Nasrallah said rockets fired at Israel in the Gaza Strip conflict had a range of only 40-70 kilometers, while Hezbollah’s rockets will be able to hit targets from the northern border to the southern port of Eilat.

Hezbollah warns of rocket barrage if Israel attacks Lebanon - ảnh 1
Shiite Muslim supporters of the Hezbollah raise their fists as chanting slogans in support of pro Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah (Photo: AP)

Hezbollah, which fought Israel in a 34-day war 6 years ago, dispatched unmanned reconnaissance aircraft last month.
