Heading-for-sea ceremony held in Quang Tri

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Heading-for-the-sea ceremonies were held in Quang Tri during the first days of the new lunar year to invite good luck.
Heading-for-sea ceremony held in Quang Tri - ảnh 1 Fishermen  in Cua Viet town (Gio Linh district, Quang Tri province) are happy to drag in nets overflowing with fish on their first fishing trips of the lunar year.

Ho Van Lang of Cua Viet Town has returned after his first voyage of the year to catch anchovy. Lang said that thanks to good weather, local fishermen got a bumper catch on their first trip.

Lang explained: “We took advantage of favorable weather to put out to sea to catch anchovy and scad. Some vessels hauled up to 5 tons of anchovies. Others caught a bit less. We hope to be lucky this year and have bumper crops.”

On the second day of the first lunar month, fishermen in the coastal villages of Gio Linh district went near-shore fishing and harvested bumper catches of cuttlefish and bummalo.
