HCM City’s CEP fund marks 25th founding anniversary

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(VOVworld) – The HCM City Capital Aid Fund for Employment of the Poor (CEP) marked its 25th founding anniversary and received the Prime Minister’s Emulation Flag on Sunday.

(VOVworld) – The HCM City Capital Aid Fund for Employment of the Poor (CEP) marked its 25th founding anniversary and received the Prime Minister’s Emulation Flag on Sunday.

HCM City’s CEP fund marks 25th founding anniversary - ảnh 1
At the ceremony

Established by the city's Labour Confederation in 1991 with a capital of 20,700 USD, the fund has expanded the capital source to nearly 122 million USD and, to date, provided loans worth over 1.2 billion USD to 2.9 million households of poor workers to do business and improve their lives.

HCM City’s CEP fund marks 25th founding anniversary - ảnh 2
Deputy Secretary of HCMC’s Party Committee Vo Thi Dung presents certificates of merits for trade union members. (Photo: sggp.org.vn)

Apart from those in HCMC, the CEP has expanded loan support for workers in eight neighboring provinces. Recently HCMC People’s Committee has mandated additional 4.5 million USD for the fund so that it can help more poor laborers.
