Greek PM Samaras reshuffles cabinet

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(VOVworld) - Greek Prime minister Antonis Samaras has reshuffled his cabinet two days after the Democratic Left Party pulled out of the coalition in protest at the closure of the state broadcaster, ERT.
(VOVworld) - Greek Prime minister Antonis Samaras has reshuffled his cabinet two days after the Democratic Left Party pulled out of the coalition in protest at the closure of the state broadcaster, ERT.

Greek PM Samaras reshuffles cabinet  - ảnh 1
PM Samaras has been accused of ignoring his coalition partners, Pasok and the Democratic Left (Photo:

The ruling coalition includes a key member, the New Democracy party, who has been in power in Greece for the past decade and the PanHellenic Socialist Movement, PASOK, holding  153 of the 300 seats in parliament.

Samaras has appointed Evangelos Venizelos, PASOK’s leader, as deputy Prime Minister and foreign minister. Yannis Stournaras, the technocratic finance minister, kept his post while Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos will become the Defense Minister. International analysts say that in the upcoming agreement of the new coalition, Samaras and the new Deputy Prime Minister Venizelos are likely to reiterate a joint commitment to continue structural reforms already agreed with the EU and the International Monetary Fund, while ruling out further wage and pension cuts.
