Government convenes legislative session for June

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a thematic Government session on legislation in Hanoi on Thursday to discuss revisions to the Law on Chemicals, the Advertising Law, and the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations.

Government convenes legislative session for June - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the thematic Government session on legislation in Hanoi on June 13, 2024 

Participants also discussed proposals for a Data Law, a Law on Disease Prevention, and revisions to the Health Insurance Law.

In his opening speech, Prime Minister Chinh asked for breakthroughs in institutional improvement to meet practical requirements and underscored the need to prioritize human resources and funding to ensure legislative progress and quality.

“Heads of ministries, sectors, and government agencies must be directly involved in and allocate adequate funding for this work,” said Mr. Chinh, adding, “Discipline must be strengthened to ensure progress and quality so that legal documents will be promulgated in accordance with Party and State regulations and the law.”

“When a law is written, it must meet the requirements for institutionalizing Party guidelines, addressing difficulties, and satisfying practical requirements,” said Mr. Chinh.

