Germany to take in 500 children from Greek migrant camps

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(VOVWORLD) - Germany is planning to take in up to 500 minors from the Greek islands in the next few weeks; starting with 50 unaccompanied children next week. The German interior ministry announced on Tuesday that the federal cabinet was set to approve the transfer of 50 unaccompanied minors to Germany on Wednesday.

The children and teenagers will be brought to Germany "in the following week if possible," the ministry said. After their arrival, they will be quarantined for two weeks and then sent to different states across the country.

In an interview with German TV stations RTL and n-tv on Wednesday, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that Germany would take in a total of 350 to 500 minors over the next few weeks. He also said that Germany and Luxembourg were currently the only countries within the European Union (EU) willing to take in refugees and migrants from Greece. According to Maas, Germany and Luxembourg will try to carry out a charter flight together next week.
