Further activities to consolidate Vietnam-Sino relationship

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Various activities took place in Chongzuo city in China’s Guangxi province on Thursday to mark the 65th anniversary of the Vietnam-Sino diplomatic ties and President Ho Chi Minh’s 125th birth anniversary.

(VOVworld) – Various activities took place in Chongzuo city in China’s Guangxi province on Thursday to mark the 65th anniversary of the Vietnam-Sino diplomatic ties and President Ho Chi Minh’s 125th birth anniversary.

Further activities to consolidate Vietnam-Sino relationship - ảnh 1
VUFO President Vu Xuan Hong presented a statue of President Ho Chi Minh to the China-Vietnam Friendship House (photo: VOV)

Loc Minh Hiep, deputy secretary of Lang Son Youth Union, said that the exchange among Vietnamese and Chinese young people and teenagers in the shared border was greatly important for tightening the friendship among the two countries’ youth.The same day, Feng Xuejun, deputy secretary of Chongzuo municipal Party committee, and Vu Xuan Hong, President of Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO), held talks on a program to follow the past journey of President Ho Chi Minh in China.

Further activities to consolidate Vietnam-Sino relationship - ảnh 2
The exchange tightened the friendship among the two countries’ youth (photo:VOV)

The Vietnam-China people’s friendship festival was also organized on this occasion.

On Wednesday, a showroom featuring memories between President Ho Chi Minh and the Zhuang ethnic group was inaugurated in Guangxi province.
