First phase of university entrance exams concluded

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – The first phase of this year’s university entrance exams concluded on Friday. Deputy Minister of Education and Training Bui van Ga commented on this round of the examination: “The exams have gone smoothly. They were well prepared and the questions were not too difficult. The exams took place under strict supervision. The whole society has been involved in supporting the examinees.”

(VOVworld) – The first phase of this year’s university entrance exams concluded on Friday. Deputy Minister of Education and Training Bui van Ga commented on this round of the examination: “The exams have gone smoothly. They were well prepared and the questions were not too difficult. The exams took place under strict supervision. The whole society has been involved in supporting the examinees.”

More than 650.000 students sat the first phase of examination. The second phase will be held on the 9th and 10th of July.
