Exhibition promotes Vietnamese Pangasius exports in Australia

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -The Viet Nam Pangasius Expo, held by the Vietnamese Embassy in Australia, has offered Australian visitors 100 virtual stalls of Vietnamese processed tra and basa (Pangasius) fish products.
Exhibition promotes Vietnamese Pangasius exports in Australia - ảnh 1Frozen Vietnamese pangasius fish products at Dai Phat supermarket, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. (Photo: VNA)
Taking place between December 16 and 20, the online exhibition was part of a series of activities to build the trademark of Vietnamese tra and basa fish in the market.
It is scheduled to reopen on the website www.onlineworldexpo.com throughout January 2022.
According to the Vietnamese Trade Office in Australia, Vietnamese Tra and basa fish products have gained favour of local consumers for years.
Under the trade mark building programme, the embassy has so far conducted a promotion week in Melbourne, issued a report on a study on trademark building and market development for the products, run activities to invite consumers taste fish and chips dishes made from the fish, and advertise the goods on social networks, among others.
