Exhibition on Dien Bien Phu victory opens in Kon Tum province

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(VOVworld) – Around 190 photos and 19 scientific documentations on Dien Bien Phu victory are on display at an exhibition in Kon Tum province’s museum.

(VOVworld) – Around 190 photos and 19 scientific documentations on Dien Bien Phu victory are on display at an exhibition in Kon Tum province’s museum.

Exhibition on Dien Bien Phu victory opens in Kon Tum province - ảnh 1

The exhibition features the Winter-Spring campaign, the Northern Central Highlands campaign from 1953 to 1954, the Dien Bien Phu campaign and Echo of Dien Bien. Colonel Vu Minh Tuyen is from the Military Command of Kon Tum province: "I am so moved to see the exhibition especially images of the victory at the Northern Central Highlands battlefield in February 1954. This was an important victory which paved the way for Dien Bien Phu victory 60 years ago. The exhibition is of great significance to educate young people especially military forces about the country’s history". 

On the same day, Bac Giang province’s Museum and Vietnam Military History Museum opened a thematic display to mark 60th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu victory. 180 photos and objects are on display giving an overview of Dien Bien Phu victory, people’s contribution to 9-year resistance war against French colonialists and Dien Bien Phu campaign. 
