Exhibition on China’s activities in the East Sea opened in RoK

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – A photo exhibition on China’s activities to change the status quo in the East Sea opened in the South Korean city of Busan on Sunday. 

(VOVworld) – A photo exhibition on China’s activities to change the status quo in the East Sea opened in the South Korean city of Busan on Sunday.

Exhibition on China’s activities in the East Sea opened in RoK - ảnh 1
VESAMO President Chang Ho Ick speaks at the event (photo:baotintuc.vn)

Chang Ho Ick, President of the Association of People Loving Vietnam in the Republic of Korea (VESAMO) urged China to halt unilateral actions that cause tensions and change the status quo and join efforts in protecting the marine ecology and bio-diversity in the East Sea.

80 photos on display featured the reefs belonging to Vietnam’s Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos before, during, and after China’s reclamation activities. The exhibit also displayed photos and ancient maps demonstrating the locations of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos in the East Sea. The exhibit will conclude on June 15. 
