Ethnic elders contribute to border security, national defense: Party chief and President

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Party leader and President Nguyen Phu Trong has applauded contributions made by ethnic elders and dignitaries to border security and national defense. 
Ethnic elders contribute to border security, national defense: Party chief and President  - ảnh 1 Party leader and President Nguyen Phu Trong (C) poses for a photo with ethnic elders and village chiefs (Photo:

Speaking at a get-together in the Presidential Palace in Hanoi on Friday with 163 ethnic elders and village chiefs from 34 border cities and provinces, Mr. Trong said national border is a sacred part of the fatherland and has a strategically important position. The Communist Party of Vietnam has defined that the armed forces play a core role in safeguarding national border and each person living in the border area is considered a border guard in the nation’s frontier. The Party leader and President expressed his hope that credible people in Vietnam’s border areas will continue taking the lead in patriotic emulation movements, particularly the movement of all people taking part in protecting national sovereignty and border security, and inspiring others to spread good deeds in our lives. 
