Enterprises asked to reduce pork prices

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - Enterprises should reduce pork prices to at least 3.3 USD per kilo, suggested Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong.

Mr. Cuong said his ministry and other agencies will monitor and ask enterprises to keep pork prices reasonable based on the laws in disease prevention. He said: "Media agencies should honor businesses which have joined the effort to stabilize the pork prices. It’s essential to keep the market sustainable and protect the livestock production."

The increase in pork price in Vietnam was a result from the outbreak of African swine fever, first detected in February last year. The decease has spread to all 63 provinces in Vietnam, forcing the culling of some six million pigs, or 20% of the total hog herd, and nearly tripling prices.
