Egypt: Rallies against former President Mubarak’s life sentence

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(VOVworld) - Protests continue across Egypt after ex-President Hosni Mubarak was jailed for life for his part in the killing of protesters during the 2011 revolution. Thousands of Egyptian flocked the central Tahir square in Cairo to protest the court’s decision. The crowds are furious at the acquittal of key security officials who were on trial alongside Mubarak. They shouted slogans against the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the ousted President, and presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq of the former regime.

(VOVworld) - Protests continue across Egypt after ex-President Hosni Mubarak was jailed for life for his part in the killing of protesters during the 2011 revolution. Thousands of Egyptian flocked the central Tahir square in Cairo to protest the court’s decision.

Egypt: Rallies against former President Mubarak’s life sentence  - ảnh 1
Egyptians react after a court sentenced deposed president Hosni Mubarak

The crowds are furious at the acquittal of key security officials who were on trial alongside Mubarak. They shouted slogans against the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the ousted President, and presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq of the former regime. Rallies against the verdict were also held in Alexandria, Suez and Mansoura. Many political groups have announced their intention of joining the rallies, including the Muslim Brotherhood, April 6 Movement, and the Revolutionary Youth Aliance. 

                                                                        Pham Huan, VOV correspondence in Egypt
