Effort intensified to implement the 2013 Land Law

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is stepping up efforts to ensure the effective implementation of the 2013 Land Law, said Minister Nguyen Minh Quang on the Sunday TV program “People ask, minister answers”. 

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is stepping up efforts to ensure the effective implementation of the 2013 Land Law, said Minister Nguyen Minh Quang on the Sunday TV program “People ask, minister answers”.

Effort intensified to implement the 2013 Land Law - ảnh 1
Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Nguyen Minh Quang
He added that the Ministry has submitted all necessary documents to the Prime Minister for the issuance of a Directive guiding the implementation of the Law which came into force on July 1st. In addition, the Ministry has cooperated with relevant ministries, agencies, local governments, and the media, to publicize the Law’s contents, said Minister Quang: "The 2013 Land Law was revised to ensure the interests of the state, land users, and investors while addressing issues of land acquisition, compensation, and resettlement. The Law pays more attention to ensuring livelihoods for people after land acquisition while applying specific land prices regulated by provincial People’s Committees."
Minister Quang said that the Law also regulates new mechanisms for effective and transparent bidding on land use rights.  
