DPRK accuses US of delaying 6-party talks

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(VOVworld)- Deputy representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the United Nations Ri Tong Il on Monday blamed the US for not resuming the 6-party talks.

(VOVworld)- Deputy representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the United Nations Ri Tong Il on Monday blamed the US for not resuming the 6-party talks. Speaking at UN headquarters in New York, he said the US government is only concerned about creating tension on the Korean peninsula and proposed conditions for the 6-party talks only to block any dialogue. He warned that DPRK will respond with tough measures if the US does not stop hindering the dialogue. Pyongyang says it is still open to negotiation without any pre-conditions.

DPRK accuses US of delaying 6-party talks - ảnh 1

Deputy Permanent Representative of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Ri Tong Il responds to a question during a March 24 news conference at United Nations headquarters. Photo: AP

At the 3rd nuclear security summit in the Hague, Netherlands, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged DPRK to comply with UN Security Council resolutions on denuclearization and resolve pending issues through peaceful measures.
