Czech parliament dissolves for early elections

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The Czech Republic’s parliament voted Tuesday to dissolve itself, paving the way for early elections by the end of October.

Czech parliament dissolves for early elections - ảnh 1
The proposal to dissolve parliament won the support of 140 MPs. Photo: Reuters

The Czech Republic’s parliament voted Tuesday to dissolve itself, paving the way for early elections by the end of October. The proposal to dissolve parliament was backed by 140 legislators in the 200-seat lower house. This is the first time the parliament voted on dissolving itself since a revised constitution authorized the action 4 years ago. According to law, President Milos Zeman will announce the dissolution of parliament and call for an early election. Before the vote, leader of the Social Democrat (CSSD) party Bohuslav Sohuslav said a dissolved parliament would be a success for the Social Democrats. According to public opinion polls, the CSSD party will win the largest number of votes, but the party still needs the support of other parties.
