Contest of wrapping sticky rice cakes for Tet held in Singapore

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese expats in Singapore joined an exciting two-day contest of wrapping banh chung (square sticky rice cake) and banh tet (cylindrical sticky rice cake) and displaying their finished products at the Vietnamese Embassy over the weekend. 
Contest of wrapping sticky rice cakes for Tet held in Singapore - ảnh 1 Vietnamese and Singaporeans wrap sticky rice cakes during the contest. (Photo: VNA)

The contest is part of activities celebrating the Lunar New Year jointly organized by the Embassy of Vietnam, the Liaison Department of the Vietnamese Community and the Vietnamese Students Association in Singapore.

11 teams, each consisting of two people of different ages, experienced cheerful and cozy moments, which is no different from the Lunar New Year’s Eve in the homeland.

After the cake wrapping contest, team members, overseas Vietnamese, the wives of the Embassy staff, and members of the Liaison Department continued to wrap 100 banh chung and prepare 100 Tet gifts to give to Vietnamese students in Singapore.
