China’s Xi Jinping condoles on the passing of former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - China’s Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent his condolence to Vietnam’s Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong about the passing of former Party chief Le Kha Phieu.

China’s Xi Jinping condoles on the passing of former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu  - ảnh 1Former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu  (Photo: VOV)

The telegram praised Mr. Phieu as "the excellent veteran leader of the Party and State of Vietnam", who led the Vietnamese people to gain great achievements in socialism construction and reform in Vietnam. Mr. Xi  emphasized that former General Secretary Phieu was a comrade and a close friend of the Party and people of China, making outstanding contributions to the development of China-Vietnam relations.

The telegram affirmed that China attaches great importance to consolidating and promoting the tradition of China-Vietnam friendship, and is willing to work with Vietnam to strengthen political trust, solidarity, and cooperation, and to boost ties between the two Parties and countries and their socialist cause.

Former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu was born in 1931 and passed away on Friday in Hanoi after a period of illness.
