China, North Korea reach important agreements

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(VOVWORLD) - Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Tuesday held talks with North Korean President Kim Jong-un, who had just arrived in Beijing and they had an in-depth exchange of views on China-North Korea relations and and reached an important consensus, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Thursday.
China, North Korea reach important agreements  - ảnh 1North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met Chinese President Xi Jinping, June 19, 2018 (Photo: 

The two sides agreed to make a joint effort to push for better China-North Korea relations in the new era, steadily advance the political settlement process of the Korean Peninsula issue, increase benefits to the people of the two countries, and make positive contributions to the peace, stability, prosperity, and development of the region and the world. Both leaders pledged to maintain high-level exchanges, strengthen strategic communication, deepen friendly  cooperation, and promote long-term, stable, and healthy China-North Korea relations. This year will mark the 70th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic ties.
