Celebration of 40th anniversary of Paris Peace Accord continues in Paris

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)-Activities commemorating the signing of the Paris Peace Accord 40 years ago will begin in Choisy-le-Roi, France this month. A documentary film by French director and  journalist Daniel Roussel, a former Vietnam-based correspondent for France’s l’Humanité, will be screened on the 21st. He said the film reflects sacrifices and hardships of people on the two VNese negotiation teams in Paris: “The Paris Agreement signed

(VOVworld)-Activities commemorating the signing of the Paris Peace Accord 40 years ago will begin in Choisy-le-Roi, France this month.

Celebration of 40th anniversary of Paris Peace Accord continues in Paris - ảnh 1

A documentary film by French director and  journalist Daniel Roussel, a former Vietnam-based correspondent for France’s l’Humanité, will be screened on the 21st. He said the film reflects sacrifices and hardships of people on the two VNese negotiation teams in Paris: “The Paris Agreement signed on January 27th, 1973 was a miracle story, and was the result of a nearly five-year negotiation  among four sides. A friendship between the Northern Vietnam negotiation team and the people of Choisy Le Roi and vicinity; the friendship between a diver, a body guard, a medical team and the negotiation group is the highlight of the miracle story which lasted nearly five years. I was deeply inspired by the path to peace of the Vietnamese people. That’s the reason I made this movie.”

The highlight of the activities marking the 40th anniversary of the Paris Peace Accord is the seminar “ 1968-1973, peace negotiations, from Vietnam to the world” scheduled to be held on the 22nd. Daniel Davisse, Mayor of Choisy-le-Roi,  said 2013 has been named as the Vietnam year, to remember the friendship between Vietnam and this city.
