Bangkok bombing: One suspect freed

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Thai police said on Thursday that they have questioned and freed one man, who turned himself in after being spotted on CCTV at the Bangkok shrine moments before a deadly bomb blast.

(VOVworld) – Thai police said on Thursday that they have questioned and freed one man, who turned himself in after being spotted on CCTV at the Bangkok shrine moments before a deadly bomb blast.

Bangkok bombing: One suspect freed - ảnh 1

Thai police released this sketch of the man suspected of planting the bomb

A spokesperson for the Thai police, Prawut Thavornsiri, said another suspect, a Chinese man who left Thailand one day after the attack, is unlikely to be involved. The Monday bomb attack near the Erawan shrine in Bangkok killed 20 people and injured70 others, 12 of them seriously.
