Australian education goes mobile with new official website

Chia sẻ
(VOV) - Vietnamese students can research and plan their Australian education via mobile phone and tablet on the new Study in Australia website,, the official source of information on studying in Australia.

(VOV) - Vietnamese students can research and plan their Australian education via mobile phone and tablet on the new Study in Australia website,, the official source of information on studying in Australia. A mobile-friendly design makes it easy for students to browse courses and institutions on any handheld or desktop device, wherever they may be in the world.

Potential students can also interact via social media, access information about scholarships and read or watch the stories of other students from Vietnam or elsewhere.

The new site updates and improves the previous Study in Australia website, featuring an enhanced search function and a log-in that allows users to bookmark information and favourites. It also includes detailed information about Australia’s states and territories and updated content including news and event feeds, all in a selection of languages.  Hugh Borrowman, Australia’s Ambassador to Vietnam noted that the Study in Australia site is a reliable, comprehensive source of up-to-date information, with links to other education providers as well as details about living in Australia.

Australian education goes mobile with new official website  - ảnh 1
