Australia keeps increasing ODA for Vietnam

Viet Nga, VOV reporter in Australia
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -The Australian government will spend 4.77 billion AUD in Official Development Assistance (ODA), according to the budget plan for fiscal year 2023-2024 announced by Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers on Tuesday. 

Australia keeps increasing ODA for Vietnam   - ảnh 1Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers announces the budget plan in the Australian Parliament. (Photo: Dylan Robinson)

The largest recipient of ODA next year will be the Pacific region with more than 1.9 billion AUD, and the second will be Southeast Asia with 1.2 billion AUD. ODA for Vietnam will be 95.1 million AUD, an increase of about 2.5%.

Australia's increased investments will support an open, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific region through investment in climate change response projects; sharing experiences in developing indigenous communities with other countries; promoting the role of civil society in achieving sustainable development goals.

The investment will empower women and girls, and people with disability to participate more fully in social, political and economic life, and expand Australia's links with the world in economy, defense, and diplomacy.

Australia spends a large amount of its ODA – nearly 480 million AUD – on humanitarian assistance, emergency relief, and refugee activities.
