ASEAN, Japan youth hold festival in Singapore

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)-More than 300 young people of ASEAN and Japan of the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) 2013 held a festival in Singapore yesterday/ on Saturday following the arrival of their ship, the fourth stop after Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand. Youth of 11 countries joined in the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program said that the highlight of the program is the hospitality of the people of the countries they stop

(VOVworld)- More than 300 young people from 10 ASEAN member countries and Japan joined a festival in Singapore on Saturday, the fourth leg of their tour after Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand. Youth of 11 countries are traveling in the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP). They said that the highlight of the program is the hospitality of the people of the countries they visited. Vietnamese traditional dress, Ao Dai, and the lifestyle of Vietnamese families have impressed the young representatives. 

ASEAN, Japan youth hold festival in Singapore - ảnh 1

The ship Nippon Maru will leave Singapore on Monday. Youth from 10 ASEAN countries and Japan participated in many social activities such as cleaning up beaches, providing food for the poor, and visiting historical relic sites in Singapore. They also explored traditional custom of Singaporean people when living with local families.
