700 people reported dead in Pakistan heat wave

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(VOVworld) – Pakistani officials say the heat wave in Pakistan has caused the deaths of approximately 700 people over the past three days.
(VOVworld) – Pakistani officials say the heat wave in Pakistan has caused the deaths of approximately 700 people over the past three days.

700 people reported dead in Pakistan heat wave - ảnh 1
Pakistani people cool themselves off with a leaked water pipeline during the heat wave in southern Pakistani port city of Karachi, June 22, 2015. (Photo: Xinhua)

Most of the deaths occurred in the southern port city of Karachi in Sindh province where the temperature reached 45 degrees Celsius last weekend.

Pakistani Prime MInsiter Nawaz Sharif issued a special order to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and relevant agencies to provide emergency assistance for victims.

The center will set up heat stroke centres at all hospitals across Sindh province.

Meanwhile the provincial authorities declared a work holiday to encourage residents to stay indoors.

700 people reported dead in Pakistan heat wave - ảnh 2

According to Pakistan’s meteorological agency, the temperature in Karachi is currently 44.5 degrees Celsius, but rain is forecast in the next three days.

The hot spell in Pakistan began one month after neighbouring India recorded more than 2,000 deaths in the second deadliest heat wave in India's history.


