The 2021 World Meteorological Day theme - our oceans, climate and weather – celebrates WMO’s focus on the inter-connectivity of Earth’s natural systems. It also marks the launch of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). Major topics for this year’s theme focus on how the ocean shapes our weather and climate, ensuring safety at sea and on land, observing the ocean, forecasting climate variations , the marine effects of climate change, as well as SDGs and other initiatives.
Vietnam suffers huge climate change impacts, and extreme weather patterns, that have caused the loss of both human lives and property. Vietnam’s meteorological sector has pledged to fulfill its support for the region through the World Meteorological Organization’s 2 programs: the Hazardous Weather Forecast Project and the Flash Flood Warning Indicator System for Southeast Asia.
Vietnam has also participated in all the activities of the Asian Regional Meteorological Association, connecting with members of the regional office of the World Meteorological Organization, Technical Committees and Regional Associations. Vietnam is also looking to receive technological support, as well as sharing experiences from other countries, especially when it comes to strengthening its warning and forecasting capacity.