15,000 Islamist radicals under surveillance by French intelligence

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(VOVworld) – About 15,000 people are on a French database of individuals suspected of involvement in Islamist terror networks or radicalism, French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche reported on Sunday.

(VOVworld) – About 15,000 people are on a French database of individuals suspected of involvement in Islamist terror networks or radicalism, French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche reported on Sunday.

15,000 Islamist radicals under surveillance by French intelligence - ảnh 1
French police (Photo: France24.com)

Created last March, the suspects have been placed on France’s FSPRT database of individuals of either French nationality or living in France thought to pose a terror threat and are under the surveillance of the security services. The database is managed by France’s UCLAT unit for the co-ordination of the fight against terrorism.

About 4,000 of those on the list are considered high-risk and are being watched by France’s General Directorate for Internal Security intelligence agency.

Most of the suspects are from 18 to 25 years old who mainly live at the outskirt of major cities.
