Competent candidates should be elected

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2016-2021 term will be held on May 22. Vietnamese voters will have the opportunity to elect the most competent candidates, who are also morally sound, to represent their needs and aspirations.

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2016-2021 term will be held on May 22. Vietnamese voters will have the opportunity to elect the most competent candidates, who are also morally sound, to represent their needs and aspirations.

Competent candidates should be elected - ảnh 1

Dinh Xuan Ngoi of Ba Dinh district in Hanoi said National Assembly deputies should reflect voters’ opinions and aspirations to relevant agencies: “The candidates should explain their action plans to voters and their plans should be as detailed as possible.”

Pham Huy Thu of Dong Da district said: “The candidates’ action plans will prove their qualifications. Voters will decide who deserves their trust. We only hope that the economy will grow, political and social stability will be maintained, national sovereignty protected, democracy enhanced, and corruption prevented.”

Voters hope there will be more information channels to learn more about the candidates. Pham Van Thien of Thanh Xuan district said the candidates’ biographies should be publicized early so that voters will have time to find out more about them: “Early publication of the candidates’ information will help voters analyze their strong and weak points based on which to elect the best qualified candidates.”

Most competent candidates to be elected

Voters expect that elected candidates will be loyal to the fatherland and the people and worthy of their trust. They should keep their promises and act responsibly to serve the people best. Nguyen Dinh Lap of Thanh Tri district said:We hope that the elected candidates will stick to their action plans. We will continue to follow their actions and see how well they keep their promises.”

Voting is the best way to exercise the citizens’ right to democracy and self-mastery. The higher their support rate the more responsible to society and the people elected candidates should be.   
