Moon cake makers start sales early this year

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(VOVWORLD) - With nearly two months to go before the start of the Mid-Autumn festival, moon cakes of all shapes, sizes, prices, and brands are now available in bakeries across Ho Chi Minh City.

Recently, popular moon cake brands such as Kinh Do, Nhu Lan, and Bibica have started to be sold on stalls in the most crowded areas of Ho Chi Minh City. All brands are put on sale roughly one month earlier than last year.

A number of moon cake stalls are established on pavements throughout the southern city’s streets.

However, according to an owner of a moon cake shop, sales seem to be much slower compared to the previous year.

She added that customers this year are tightening their belts after enduring COVID-19 outbreaks and a surge in gasoline prices.

However, the moon cake market is expected to be heat up over the coming weeks. With nearly two months to go before the peak sales season, producers will continue to study the market and release more products.
