The flowers of the golden shower trees, scientifically known as Cassia fistula, are beginning to bloom and fill streets throughout Hanoi with a vibrant yellow colour.
Together with bang lang, the crape myrtle, and phuong vi, flamboyant flowers and golden shower trees help make the summer feel more colourful and the streets become far more poetic.
The flowers can be seen in full bloom from May until July.
The trees can be seen entering full bloom throughout West Lake in Hanoi.
Each branch holds around five buds which contain oval shaped petals.
The yellow buds form in bunches which measure between 20 and 40 centimetres.
The streets look increasingly beautiful as they are adorned with yellow blossoms.
The trees can easily be found on many streets across Hanoi, including Duong Quang Ham, Thanh Nien, Nguyen Dinh Thi, and Trich Sai.
They create shade amid the hot summer.
The yellow flowers tend to grow in clusters with dozens of small, beautiful flowers and buds.
The trees serve to beautify the streets of Hanoi with their brilliant yellow flair during the summer months.
The trees can be seen loaded with hundreds of tiny yellow flowers.
Golden shower trees can typically be spotted in their full glory at this time of year.
The vivid yellow colour makes summer in Hanoi even more joyful.