Madonna Lily - the flower of April

Nguyen Anh Tuan
Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - Thought to be a native of the semi-deserts between Turkey and Afghanistan, Madonna Lily spread to Carthage and Greece with the Phoenicians, to England with the Romans and from there to Central Europe, then Asia. In April, Madonna lily flowers can be found everywhere along Hanoi streets, inspiring the passers-by with its green color and soft fragrance. VOV5 follows photographer Nguyen Anh Tuan to the streets to capture the beautiful images of Madonna lilies in Hanoi.
(VOVworld) - Thought to be a native of the semi-deserts between Turkey and Afghanistan, Madonna Lily spread to Carthage and Greece with the Phoenicians, to England with the Romans and from there to Central Europe, then Asia. In April, Madonna lily flowers can be found everywhere along Hanoi streets, inspiring the passers-by with its green color and soft fragrance. VOV5 follows photographer Nguyen Anh Tuan to the streets to capture the beautiful images of Madonna lilies in Hanoi.

Madonna Lily - the flower of April - ảnh 1
The image of Madonna Lilly has become popular in Hanoi as summer arrives
Madonna Lily - the flower of April - ảnh 2
Flower vendors offer an abundance of Madonna Lily in April
Madonna Lily - the flower of April - ảnh 3
Madonna Lily (Lilium candidum) produces pure white trumpet-shaped flowers with a delightful fragrance
Madonna Lily - the flower of April - ảnh 4
The flowers are 7-8 cm in size and appear in great abundance in May
Madonna Lily - the flower of April - ảnh 5
Madonna Lily - the flower of April - ảnh 6
The Madonna Lily needs to be planted in the Autumn and will typically start to emerge in late spring and bears fragrant flowers in summer.
Madonna Lily - the flower of April - ảnh 7
Madonna Lily - the flower of April - ảnh 8
Madonna Lilies in Hanoi sunset


Phố Mình
What beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing them. Please take and share more.