Trade unions support fishermen at sea

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Trade unions, which represent more than 50 million workers in Vietnam, have been implementing a range of social activities to support fishermen at sea. Their support has helped to boost the development of the fisheries sector and Vietnam’s marine economy.

(VOVworld) – Trade unions, which represent more than 50 million workers in Vietnam, have been implementing a range of social activities to support fishermen at sea. Their support has helped to boost the development of the fisheries sector and Vietnam’s marine economy.

Ngo Duc Loi’s vessel returned to Quy Nhon port with more than 7 tonnes of tuna after 3 weeks in the Hoang Sa fishing ground. After deducting all the costs, each crew member earned approximately 500 USD. Loi says that this effective model of a fishing fleet has drawn the participation of many fishermen: “I worked alone last year. This year, I and a number of fishermen formed a fleet of 5-6 vessels to go fishing together.”

The idea of forming an offshore fishing fleet and associations was initiated by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor in 2011 with the aim of strengthening links among fishermen. So far, 22 fisheries associations have been established in 8 localities involving nearly 740 vessels and more than 3,000 crewmembers. President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Dang Ngoc Tung said: “Vietnam’s Fisheries Association will join the International Coalition of Fisheries Associations to take advantage of international support. Whenever our fishermen or vessels are in distress, they will be supported by the International Coalition of Fisheries Associations and the International Trade Union Confederation.”

Trade unions nationwide have raised funds to support fishermen at sea. Mr. Tung again: “We have called on people across the country to support the fishermen through a number of activities. We used the proceeds to buy fishing nets, communication equipment, and insurance.”

A program called “Fishing nets for Hoang Sa and Truong Sa fishermen” has raised 170,000 USD to support the men and their families in a number of central provinces. The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor’s Golden Heart Fund has launched many movements to mobilize nationwide support for the fishermen. The fund is now trying to help fishermen modernize their vessels. Head of the fund Tran Duy Phuong says: “By modernizing vessels, we try to encourage fishermen to join fisheries associations and help them with the procedures to access credit loans.”
