Wrongful statements need to be condemned

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Vietnam and Cambodia have long been enjoying a good relationship as neighbors

(VOVworld) – Vietnam and Cambodia have long been enjoying a good relationship as neighbors. Both countries together fought colonialism, overthrew the genocidal regime and are working toward prosperity. However, there have been statements aimed at creating division and harming relations between the two countries, which need to be condemned. VOV comments

Wrongful statements need to be condemned - ảnh 1

Vietnam and Cambodia have treasured a time-honored friendship and a good relationship as neighbors, which have been consolidated by generations of Vietnamese and Cambodians. The past struggle for national independence and freedom has bound the two countries in their common effort for peace, stability, cooperation and development. The Vietnamese people have endured with Cambodians in many periods of historical upheavals and helped them get rid of the Pol Pot Khmer Rouge genocidal regime and develop their economy.

The Vietnamese Party and State have always attached great importance to developing and consolidating the friendship and comprehensive cooperation with Cambodia. Vietnam-Cambodia cooperative ties have been developing steadily in all areas over recent years. Both countries worked closely together in border demarcation and marker planting toward building a shared border line of peace, stability, cooperation, and development.

Wrongful statements need to be condemned - ảnh 2
Ceremony to inaugurate border marker 314 between Vietnam and Cambodia

Like many other countries in the world, senior Vietnamese party and state leaders sent their congratulations to the people of Cambodia on their successful parliamentary election on July 28th. Based on the election results, Vietnam hopes that Cambodia will soon be able to establish a new parliament and government for its own stability and development, contributing to regional peace and solidarity.

However, after the preliminary results were announced, Sam Rainsy, leader of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, runner up of the recent parliamentary election, made some inciting statements in the international media, which harm relations between Vietnam and Cambodia and run counter to the truth of history.

His statement that “Hanoi used to occupy Cambodia’s land” is groundless, which is not only detrimental to Vietnam-Cambodia relations but also harms the close bond formed by the blood and tears of both nations.

What surprised the public were Sam Rainsy’s other groundless opinions that ran counter to the truth of history, which he gave to a Cambodian newspaper published in Chinese and cited by the BBC on August 4th, saying that “all islands defended by China are part of Chinese territory”. This is unacceptable.

Vietnam has sufficient legal arguments and evidence to prove its undisputed sovereignty over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos. Vietnam’s consistent policy is to resolve East Sea disputes through peaceful means with respect to international law, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea. Vietnam always wants to join hands with neighboring countries to contribute to regional peace, stability and development. Vietnam’s aspirations and efforts have been recognized by the international community. As a politician, Sam Rainsy must be well aware of that.  

Sam Rainsy, of course, has the right to make his own statements and statements for his Cambodia National Rescue Party. But if his words contradict history and affect the bond between the Vietnamese and Cambodian people, they will certainly not be welcomed and accepted by the domestic and international public.     

Sam Rainsy’s political calculations and his groundless words need to be condemned.

Ho Diep  
