Vietnamese prefer locally-made products for Tet

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – As the Lunar New Year holiday draws near, producers and distributors are offering a wide variety of goods to meet consumers’ needs.

(VOVworld) – As the Lunar New Year holiday draws near, producers and distributors are offering a wide variety of goods to meet consumers’ needs.                  

Vietnamese prefer locally-made products for Tet - ảnh 1
Saigon Coop supermarket is crowded before Tet holiday

Made-in-Vietnam goods prevail at the markets, supermarkets, shopping centers, and street kiosks, ranging from confectionary to Tet gifts. Local goods are preferred because of their good quality, attractive designs, and reasonable prices. Thu Ha, owner of a confectionary shop in Hang Buom street, Hanoi, said: “This year, Vietnamese goods dominate the market. They are abundant and diverse.  For example, Lai Phu cake is delicious, coconut cakes and dried jack fruits are best sellers.”

Locally-made goods face stiff competition from imports. Since the middle of last year, domestic businesses have been investing in new production method to turn out more competitive products, so consumers will shift their preference from imports to Vietnamese items.  

“Vietnamese food products are eye-catching and tasty. I prefer locally made products”.

“I think Vietnamese companies offer many new products. So I choose to buy some for my family.”

Unlike previously, now I buy Vietnamese goods, which are favorites in the market.”

Some product lines are sold at lower prices thanks to the State’s subsidy program. Retail service has been improved, making Vietnamese goods the first choice of customers. 
