Vietnam, US share a future outlook

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Vietnamese Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong is on an official visit to the US from July 6 to July 10. He told the US media prior to the visit that he hoped both countries will share a vision of the future to build a long-term, stable friendship, and cooperation.
(VOVworld) – Vietnamese Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong is on an official visit to the US from July 6 to July 10. He told the US media prior to the visit that he hoped both countries will share a vision of the future to build a long-term, stable friendship, and cooperation.

Vietnam, US share a future outlook - ảnh 1
 General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong holds talks with US Trade Representative Michael Froman on July 6, 2015

Mr. Trong said that in the 40 years since the war and the 20 years since the normalization of bilateral ties, Vietnam and the US have become friends, and since 2013, comprehensive partners, a really long stride that few could imagine 20 years ago. He said the most effective way to confront the remaining challenges would be open and constructive dialogues to improve mutual understanding so that differences don’t become hurdles.

Joining hands to build a better future

Mr. Trong said this is the first ever visit to the US by a General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam at the invitation of the US administration. The visit, which comes as the two sides are celebrating the 20th anniversary of their diplomatic relations, is a good opportunity to review the past, exchange views on a future outlook, and work together toward long-term friendship and cooperation based on respect for each other’s political regime. This will benefit the two peoples and contribute to peace, stability, cooperation, and prosperity in the world. Mr. Trong said Vietnam attaches great importance its relations with the US, one of the most important partners in its foreign policy. This visit provides an opportunity to deepen bilateral comprehensive partnership. Mr. Trong said he hopes to exchange views with US leaders on a long-term vision for Asia Pacific, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, climate change, regional mechanisms for political, economic, and security cooperation, and maritime security and safety. Mr. Trong said he hopes this is a chance for the two countries to have an open and frank discussion on issues where differences still exist. This would enhance mutual understanding, narrow the differences, and build trust.

Narrowing differences to strengthen economic cooperation

Responding to American reporters’ questions about human rights, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said that in reality, after 30 years of reform, the rights of the Vietnamese people are now better ensured by the State of Vietnam. This has been institutionalized in the Constitution and legal system of Vietnam and elaborated in different policies and implementation measures from the central to local levels. Through such efforts, Vietnam has made progress in ensuring human rights in all civil, political, economic, cultural, and social areas. Trong said it is true that there remains different interpretation of human rights by the US and Vietnam. We should continue dialogues in an open, candid, and constructive manner to increase mutual understanding, narrow differences, and make the best use of our cooperation potential. We should work to make sure such differences do not hinder bilateral relations.

Trong called the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement a large-scale agreement between key economies in the Pacific region which involves many new trade issues and a higher level of commitment than other trade agreements Vietnam has concluded. But, given its thorough preparations, Vietnam has full confidence it can participate successfully in this important pact. Vietnam is working with the United States and other partners to conclude negotiations as soon as possible.

US’s role in Asia Pacific strengthened

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said that, as one of the world’s major powers and a member of the UN Security Council, the US has a great responsibility for maintaining peace and stability in the world.

Vietnam welcomes the US policy of promoting multi-lateral cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. On the basis of mutual understanding and respect, the US should strengthen its relations with every country in the region. Trong praised the US for supporting a peaceful approach to settling East Sea disputes in accordance with international law, the 1982 UNCLOS, the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) towards a Code of Conduct for parties in the East Sea (COC).

Trong said he hopes that the US will continue to have appropriate voice and actions to contribute to a peaceful settlement of disputes in the East Sea in accordance with international law in order to ensure peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific and the world.
