Ukraine’s crisis continues

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(VOVworld)- Ukraine’s crisis has become tense with recent accusations of violation of truce. Confrontations between Russia and the EU have worsened the crisis.

(VOVworld)- Ukraine’s crisis has become tense with recent accusations of violation of truce. Confrontations between Russia and the EU have worsened the crisis.

A recent meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group for settling the conflict in eastern Ukraine has ended in Minsk without needed results. Though the meeting went well but no consensus was reached on major issues including a ceasefire or withdrawal of heavy weapons. This means more efforts are needed to find ways to end conflicts in eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine’s crisis continues - ảnh 1

Violations of truce

Few hours after the meeting ended, 15 separatist gunmen and civilians died in clashes between Ukrainian government troops and rebels near Donetsk. The Ukrainian government accused the rebels of launching a major offensive in areas near Donetsk and Marinka city, about 30 km from Donetsk. Meanwhile, military leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic denied the accusation and said Kiev forces have been using chemical weapons in the clashes. According to the Defense Ministry of the Donetsk People’s Republic, some military trucks have been entering security posts in recent days and that there have been signs of US’s involvement in the Ukrainian government’s plan of using chemical weapons.

These accusations and repeated violations of the truce have plunged eastern Ukraine into a serious humanitarian crisis. More than 6,400 people have been killed, nearly 16,000 others injured in eastern Ukraine and about 2,2 million people fled their homes since April 2014 in spite of successive ceasefires, the United Nations Human Rights Office has said.

Political solutions fail to address differences between Russia and the West

Russia has recently shared its blacklist of entry ban against 89 European politicians, officials and military leaders. The European Union on June 2 banned the Russian ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, and one other unnamed diplomat to access to the institution. European Parliament head Martin Schulz said in a statement that the Russian government failed to ensure transparency in its decisions and that it is now justified to take appropriate measures in response adding that the restrictions would apply "pending the lifting of the blacklist." The European Parliament has also suspended its engagement in the committee which had brought together lawmakers from both sides. Russia immediately rejected the EU’s criticism saying its decision was appropriate and was made following the West sanctions. 

Ukraine announced that Ukraine may demand that Russia’s foreign assets abroad be arrested as a compensation for the losses incurred by Ukraine as a result of Russia’s annexation of Crimea. According to Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice, Russia illegally nationalized over 400 Ukrainian companies and 18 gas fields in Crimea causing Ukraine losses of nearly 47 billion USD.

The tit-for-tat measures between Russia and the EU are not new because sanctions between the two sides have never ended despite the signing of the Minsk truce in February. It’s not easy for both sides to find a common voice amidst their interest conflicts over Ukraine’s crisis.

A comprehensive solution that harmonizes interest of involved parties is unlikely

Negotiations on Ukraine’s peace were resumed on May 6 in Minsk, Belarus amidst increasing tensions in the region. The Contact Group for Ukraine has met several times to seek a comprehensive solution to the crisis and to promote the full implementation of the agreed truce. These efforts, however, didn’t work.

The EU plans to meet again this month to discuss sanctions against Russia which will expire in July. While new sanctions are unlikely because EU members are suffering from their adverse impacts, the extension of the sanctions is said to be possible because Ukraine's crisis remains deadlocked.
