Resolute determination to strengthen Party organization

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) A two-day National Conference on Party building concluded in Hanoi on Wednesday. In his closing speech, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong addressed urgent Party building issues which Party cells at all levels should try harder to resolve and the resolute determination of the Politburo and the Party Central Committee to strengthen the Party organization in this period.
(VOVworld)  A two-day National Conference on Party building concluded in Hanoi on Wednesday. In his closing speech, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong addressed urgent Party building issues which Party cells at all levels should try harder to resolve. The conference reflected the resolute determination of the Politburo and the Party Central Committee to strengthen the Party organization in this period.

Resolute determination to strengthen Party organization - ảnh 1
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Party leader Trong stressed the importance of implementing the Resolution of the Party Central Committee’s 4th session, which is vital for the Party and the regime. Trong said it will require a cautious, sound, and objective approach to achieve lasting results in implementing the resolution. The Party Central Committee’s Organization Commission will submit 40 new projects on Party building to the Politburo.

Regarding the issues of criticism and self-criticism, which are of paramount importance for Party building work, Party leader Trong noted several key points. Criticism should focus on political and moral ideology, lifestyle relating to prohibitions for party members, and the moral responsibilities of Party organizations, heads of party cells, and individual party members. It should concentrate on weaknesses in personnel planning such as staff training, promotions, and appointments and implementation of rules regarding organizational leadership and individual responsibility. “Criticism and self-criticism should be based on 19 things Party members are prohibited from. Deterioration of political and moral ideology and lifestyle is reflected in losing or being inconsistent in the revolutionary fighting spirit, having an indifferent attitude toward right and wrong, applauding unorthodox viewpoints, neglecting one’s duty and responsibility toward the nation, and not following Party rules. Moral deterioration is also revealed in selfish or self-interested lifestyle, hunger for fame, corruption, factional and parochial bias, and indifference toward public concerns. We have to condemn these faults.” Trong said.

The Party leader pointed out that party cells and party members at all levels should criticize themselves. Each individual should assess themselves and apply self correction. Trong said criticism and self-criticism should be conducted on an annual basis. He elaborated: “After the conference, we now have more information, new momentum, and greater determination to carry out the following tasks. While implementing the resolution of the Party Central Committee’s 4th session on Party building, there are various things that must be done to purify the Party, improve the capacity of Party members, enhance internal unity, successfully fulfill political tasks, gain the public trust, and foster the relationship between the Party and the people.”

Party General Secretary Trong urged all officials and party members to unanimously implement the resolution of the Party Central Committee’s 4th session to create breakthrough in Party building.       

Hong Van
