President Tran Dai Quang’s 2018 Lunar New Year Greetings

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President Tran Dai Quang’s 2018 Lunar New Year Greetings - ảnh 1President Tran Dai Quang

Fellow countrymen, comrades, and soldiers,

On behalf of Party and State leaders, I extend best wishes to fellow countrymen, comrades, and soldiers as we welcome the 2018 Lunar New Year, the Year of the Dog. On behalf of the Vietnamese State and people, I wish people all over the world a new year of peace, friendship, happiness, and prosperity.

In 2017, the entire Vietnamese nation was united to surmount numerous difficulties and challenges and record significant progress across the board, particularly in economics, social affairs, national defense, security, diplomacy, and Party building. Vietnam’s stature and strength were taken up a notch, creating a steppingstone for sustainable national development.

The new year brings great promise. With renewed determination, new energy, and solid confidence in the leadership of the Party and a brighter prospect, every Vietnamese should uphold patriotism, self-reliance, and solidarity and do their utmost to reap even greater successes in national construction and defense, contributing to peace, stability, national independence, democracy, and progress around the globe.

With a new year, new opportunities, and new momentum, we will definitely succeed! 
