President Ho Chi Minh’s testament- Light of wisdom and faith

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)- President Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s outstanding leader, died 45 years ago. He left behind an invaluable ideological legacy including his testament, which has great historical significance for national construction and defence.

(VOVworld)- President Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s outstanding leader, died 45 years ago. He left behind an invaluable ideological legacy including his testament, which has great historical significance for national construction and defence.

President Ho Chi Minh’s testament- Light of wisdom and faith - ảnh 1

In his will, President Ho Chi Minh expressed his belief in the Vietnamese people’s ultimate victory in the war against America despite several hardships. President Ho Chi Minh highlighted the significance of unity saying that it was a precious tradition of the Communist Party of Vietnam. He reminded Party members to preserve solidarity and consensus within the Party. According to the President, the Communist Party of Vietnam needed to promote democracy widely and regularly and carry out criticism and self-criticism strictly. Each Party member and official must be well aware of revolutionary ethics, maintain transparency in the Party and deserve to be a leader and loyal servant of the people. President Ho Chi Minh left behind valuable teachings for youth union members, workers and the entire Vietnamese people.

Teachings on Party building are of great theoretical significance

President Ho Chi Minh’s testament was not only a guideline for the Communist Party of Vietnam to lead the Vietnamese to win the anti-US war but is also scientific instruction for Party building work. The President forecasted the challenges facing Vietnam after national reunification. He urged the Party to focus on criticism and self-criticism. These important instructions have been useful to Party building work over the past years, especially since the Party implemented a resolution on some urgent issues in Party building. Professor Doctor Hoang Chi Bao is a member of the Central Theoretical Council: “The Party needs to pay special attention to criticism and self-criticism. President Ho Chi Minh considered this the best way to develop the Party. Each Party member needs to criticize themselves and then his or her comrades. This work should be done in the spirit of comradeship. I think this lesson is very useful”.

Within a short paragraph in his will, President Ho Chi Minh mentioned the word “authenticity” 4 times when referring to Party building. This implies the importance of combating individualism and selfishness. President Ho Chi Minh stressed each Party member should set an example in revolutionary ethics and solidarity to help the ruling Party be deserving of the nation and people. He wrote: “Unity is an extremely precious tradition of the Party and our people. Comrades from the Party Central Committee to Party cells need to preserve unity and consensus of the Party”.  Unity and consensus within the Party has proved to be of great importance to national development. Doctor Nguyen Bach Khoa is Secretary of the Party Committee of Long Ho district, Vinh Long province: “President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings have become more and more important for us, especially when dealing with the East Sea issue. We became more aware that it’s important to enhance solidarity and consensus within the Party and people. According to Ho Chi Minh thought, in the current context, solidarity needs to be increased as much as possible”.

Scientific significance, humanity and guidance

President Ho Chi Minh’s testament is considered as a Political Platform, but the President called it a letter. He wrote: “I have some words for my people, my comrades”. This modesty shows the nobility and greatness of a President who devoted his whole life to the nation and people. In his will, President Ho Chi Minh always placed the people’s interests at the top and considered the national interest as supreme and the nation above everything. In his last words, President Ho Chi Minh expressed his wish that the entire Party and people would be united to turn Vietnam into a country of peace, unification, independence, and wealth. Associate Professor Doctor Vu Tinh is former Director of the Centre for Political Theory of Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City: “In his will, President Ho Chi Minh showed his wisdom and consistency about the Vietnamese revolution under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. President Ho Chi Minh displayed his thoughts about renewal. The President’s will embraces the significance of science, humanity and guidance for the Vietnamese revolution, not only at the time he wrote his will but also for the current and future time”.

President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings in his will have guided and motivated the Vietnamese people to overcome difficulties and challenges and develop the country. A rich people, a strong country, independence and self-reliance are the ultimate goals that President Ho Chi Minh spent his lifetime trying to achieve. 
