New cooperative opportunities for Vietnam, Lebanon

Ngoc Thach, VOV reporter in the Middle East
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and Lebanon have developed a close cooperation in economics, trade, employment, finance, and people exchanges, and have supported each other at international forums.

Vietnam-Lebanon relations have flourished since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1981. The two countries signed a Trade Agreement in 2003. Trade revenue reached 54.3 million USD in 2013. Vietnam exports to Lebanon seafood, cashew nuts, coffee, leather goods, footwear, and clothing worth about 53 million USD.

New cooperative opportunities for Vietnam, Lebanon - ảnh 1 Ambassador Do Hoang Long (R) submitted his credential letter to Lebanese President Michel Aoun on April 28, 2017

Vietnamese Ambassador to Lebanon Do Hoang Long, said: “The two countries share a potential for economic and trade cooperation. I visited some economic establishments and farms in Lebanon. They have an advantage in growing apples and grapefruits. The two countries can cooperate in services and labor exports. The Lebanese Ministry of Labor wants to work closely with Vietnam to ensure the rights of Vietnamese workers and create more job opportunities.”

Vietnamese in Lebanon work mainly in service jobs and as housemaids. Ambassador Long said that in promoting political, economic, and trade cooperation, the two governments have paid special attention to protecting the rights of Vietnamese citizens. “I have full authority to protect the Vietnamese in Lebanon. As Vietnamese Ambassador to Egypt and Lebanon, I’ve met with Vietnamese in Lebanon to learn about their problems and have instructed the Vietnamese Honorary Consul General to assist them.”

Since its civil war ended in 1990, Lebanon has begun to stabilize and rebuild and open new economic and trade opportunities with other countries, including Vietnam.


