Exhibition honors first generation of Vietnamese Communist revolutionaries

Thuy Tien, Ngoc Anh
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - An exhibition honoring the merits of the first Communists of the Vietnamese revolution is being held at the Vietnam National Museum of History in Hanoi in collaboration with the Archives Department of the Party Central Committee’s Office.
Exhibition honors first generation of Vietnamese Communist revolutionaries - ảnh 1Participants at the exhibition (photo: qdnd.vn)

The formation of the Communist Party of Vietnam was associated with the revolutionary career of Nguyen Ai Quoc, the founder and leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam, who later became President Ho Chi Minh. He selected, nurtured, and trained the "red seeds" – the first Communists – for the Vietnamese revolution, and laid the foundation for the birth of the Communist Party of Vietnam on February 3rd, 1930.

The exhibition "Red Seeds" introduces 100 documents, artifacts, and images usually kept at the Vietnam National Museum of History, the Archives Department of the Party Central Committee's Office, and the Museum of Revolutionary Soldiers Captured and Imprisoned by the Enemy.

Nguyen Thi Thu Hoan, Deputy Director of the Vietnam National Museum of History, said: "The exhibition is devided into two parts. First is the cultivators of red seeds, the first Communist soldiers who contributed to the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam and led the Party and people to achieve national independence in 1945. The second part features the willpower of the Communists, highlighting exemplary Communist soldiers. We display documents about the first Communist soldiers and their memorabilia. During the 1930-1945 period, such memorabilia was very rare.”

Exhibition honors first generation of Vietnamese Communist revolutionaries - ảnh 2“Duong Kach Menh” by Nguyen Ai Quoc first published by the Propoganda organ of the Association of Oppressed Peoples in Guangzhou, China in 1927. (Photo: qdnd.vn)

The exhibition introduces precious works by Nguyen Ai Quoc, such as the national treasure book “Duong Kach Menh” and “Prison Diary”, the founding event of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the “Political thesis of the Indochina Communist Party” drafted by Tran Phu, which was adopted at the first meeting of the Party Central Committee in October, 1930.

Nguyen Tien Mo, Deputy Director of the Museum of Revolutionary Soldiers Captured and Imprisoned by the Enemy in Phu Xuyen District, Hanoi, said: “We are revolutionary soldiers who were imprisoned by the enemy in Phu Xuyen. Looking at these pictures, I am very moved. The exhibition helps the younger generation know more about the heroic struggles of the whole nation, and the sacrifice of their predecessors to win independence for today.”

The "Red Seeds" exhibition shows that despite extremely harsh detention conditions and brutal torture, with the slogan "turning prisons into revolutionary schools", Party members secretly established a Party Committee, compiled political theoretical documents, organized cultural and theoretical classes, and made an important contribution to the national struggle for independence.

Nguyen Viet Trung, a student at Hanoi Law University, said: “I’m very moved. Many young people may already know about these historical stories and artifacts, but this exhibition has given me a deeper understanding of the sacrifice and revolutionary virtues and morality of generations of leaders of the Communist Party of Vietnam since its establishment. As a young person, I must try harder to deserve to the sacrifices of our predecessors and to make Vietnam more prosperous and developed.”

The exhibition “Red Seeds” honors the contributions of young people in the first stage of the Communist Party of Vietnam. It aims to inspire contemporary people’s patriotism and national pride so they will uphold traditions and contribute to national construction and defense.
