Blood donation surges in the spirit of Tet

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - Every day before the Lunar New Year Festival or Tet, hundreds of people come to the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion to voluntarily donate blood, in response to the program “Golden Drops of Blood 2024”.

Blood donation surges in the spirit of Tet - ảnh 1Blood donation at Giang Vo ward, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi, January, 2024 (Photo: Duc Anh)

More and more organizations and individuals are voluntarily donating blood as they become aware of the need and importance of providing blood to patients.

Dang Ngoc Lam of Vietnam Mobile Company said he has regularly donated blood since 2011. “Blood donation is a meaningful human activity. I can also donate platelets every three or four weeks. Instead of donating blood, I can donate platelets more regularly,” said Lam.

Giving blood to people in need also helps oneself to regenerate blood and have better health. Doan Thuy Hang, an employee of a pharmaceutical company in Hanoi, said that she has donated blood since she was a student and when she has time and is in good health, she donates.

“Close to Tet, people should donate blood because during the holiday many people return to their home village, and the blood reserve for hospitals will be reduced. I give 350ml of blood each visit. Donated blood is very important for the patients. And who knows. One day any one of us might also need a blood transfusion. When our health is good, we should donate blood to help others," Hang said.

For young people, blood donation is also a way to show their social responsibility to the community. Ngo Thi Thuong of Hanoi shares her feelings when she hears that many more people respond to a blood donation campaign. 

“I have a fixed date to donate blood every six months. Any patient may need a blood transfusion. I simply think that at any time I might fall into that situation. I donate blood with the hope that hospitals will always have enough blood reserve for patients to minimize their risk,” said Thuong.

Last year over 1.5 million units of blood were donated nationwide, an increase of 110% past the set target. This year the National Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation expects to receive 1.6 million units of blood. The more blood is donated, the more hope the patients and relatives have.
