3rd National Assembly session reviewed

Anh Huyen
Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) – The 3rd session of the 13th National Assembly which concluded on June 21st after one month of assembly was successful in making decisions on many key socio-economic issues. VOV editor Anh Huyen reviews the outcomes of the meeting.

3rd National Assembly session reviewed - ảnh 1
The 3rd National Assembly session closed on June 21st
(VOVworld) – The 3rd session of the 13th National Assembly which concluded on June 21st after one month of assembly was successful in making decisions on many key socio-economic issues. VOV editor Anh Huyen reviews the outcomes of the meeting.

During the 25 working days, the NA spent three fourths of their time discussing, giving opinions, and adopting draft laws. Nguyen Sy Dung is Vice Head of the NA Office saying ‘At this session, NA deputies discussed a large body of documents, approved 13 bills and commented on several sub-laws. Many of the 13 adopted laws are essential, for example the revised Labor Code, the revised Law on Tobacco Control, the Law on Administrative Violations, the Law on Advertisement, and the Maritime Law’.

Dung said the success can be quantified by the speeding up of the reform of NA supervisory activities and selecting the right issues for debate. The deputies also endorsed several resolutions, including a resolution on a project to continue to reform and improve the quality and efficiency of NA activities, a resolution on socio-economic development for this year with a focus on national economic restructuring. This was the first time the NA approved a resolution about Q&A session relating to natural resources – environment, planning and investment, trade and industry and public order. One Deputy Prime Minister and 4 Ministers represented the Government to answer 172 questions from 88 NA deputies on issues of public concerns. Nguyen Sy Dung says ‘This Q&A session targeted the top issues the country is facing. They include land disputes, land clearance and compensation to those relating to state-owned enterprises, corruption in SOEs, public investment, and measures to handle difficulties for businesses’.

The adopted resolution on Q&A has set specific tasks for the Government, relevant agencies and the NA in realizing Ministers’ promises to NA deputies and voters. The resolution sets a deadline for dealing with pending issues that a ministry or sector is in charge of. According to the resolution, during the time between the two sessions of the year, the NA will organize meetings for ministers and chiefs of sectors to answer and explain major problems in state management. This will help improve the quality and efficiency of NA operation, making state agencies closer to the public, who are enabled to supervise state agencies activities.

To these ends, the country is concentrating all its resources to implement the 2012 socio - economic missions. The NA has set a goal to complete the master-plan on the national economic restructuring and considers it an urgent task for the entire political system. In his closing speech, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said The NA Standing Committee, various committees, ministries and relevant agencies should outline plans to carry out NA resolutions efficiently and fulfill this year’s tasks. NA deputies will soon report on the session outcomes to voters, diversify forms of meetings with voters and supervise the settlement of voters’ inquiries. The NA called on all people at home and abroad to uphold patriotism, and unite with the NA and Government to overcome the current difficult period to successfully implement socio-economic tasks for 2012’.

The NA session has closed with concrete outcomes, which will enable the legislative body to meet the requirements of building a Socialist State of Vietnam governed by law, of the people, by the people and for the people.
