Music of the August Revolution

Lan Anh
Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)-The 1945 August Revolution was an important milestone in Vietnamese history and opened a new page in Vietnam’s musical history, too. During this period, songwriters and musicians who were revolutionary activists wrote songs praising the new regime, the new society, President Ho Chi Minh, and the success of the revolution.

(VOVworld)- The 1945 August Revolution was an important milestone in Vietnamese history and opened a new page in Vietnam’s musical history, too. During this period, songwriters and musicians who were revolutionary activists wrote songs praising the new regime, the new society, President Ho Chi Minh, and the success of the revolution.

67 years ago, Hanoi became the place where the general uprising was launched. On August 17, 1945, the Federation of Civil Servants under the puppet government of Tran Trong Kim held a meeting in front of the Hanoi Opera House. But, the appearance of red flags bearing a yellow star, and the singing of the 'Marching Song' signaled a general uprising. Written in 1944, Van Cao’s “Marching song” spread throughout secret bases of resistance in Hanoi. On August 19, 1945, the song echoed in the streets of Hanoi. Another song “Together join the Red Guard” written by Dinh Nhu, praised the glorious moments of the Xo Viet Nghe Tinh movement. "Following Dinh Nhu’s lead, many other songs in praise of the revolution and its ideology were written. They included “Guerrilla” by Do Nhuan, “In praise of the youth” by Luu Huu Phuoc and “National defense soldiers” by Phan Huynh Dieu. In 1945, there was “Hanoiain” by Nguyen Dinh Thi and “Return to Hanoi” by Huy Du in 1946. All these songs were songs that encouraged people to join the revolution to wrest back power and liberate the country", said composer Thanh Tung, who works at Radio the Voice of Vietnam.

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The August Revolution inflamed people’s fighting spirit. Songs written during this period became timeless eternal epics. In addition to “Marching Song” and “Vietnamese soldiers” by Van Cao, “Wipe out the fascists” by Nguyen Dinh Thi complemented other anti fascism songs around the world. The song became the signature tune of Radio the Voice of Vietnam. Composer Do Nhuan wrote “Guerilla Song” in early 1945 in Son La prison, where political prisoners secretly trained themselves in military tactics while working  in the forest. The song became popular among soldiers operating secretly in the capital city and then echoed in the streets during the uprising.

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One particularly important song during this period was the song “August 19” that Xuan Oanh wrote on August 19, 1945. That day, marching with other revolutionaries from Van Dien to capital Hanoi and inspired by the crackling atmosphere, Xuan Oanh wrote this song along the way. "Only a few songs were written during the August Revolution, but Xuan Oanh’s song “August 19” was the big one. It is a marching song that describes the harsh but glorious revolution. By describing the fruits and successes of the revolution, the song excited people and encouraged people to embrace life and join efforts to wrest back independence for the country, said songwriter Thanh Tung..

People’s Artist Thanh Hoa, whose name is closely associated with revolutionary songs, says she is transported to the thrilling atmosphere of the August Revolution when she sings the song. "I really like singing this beautiful song. Though I wasn’t alive in that period, when I sing this songs, I feel the excitement. Its vitality still lives today. When I sing songs written during the war against French colonialism, I can imagine our people’s fierce struggle, the love between soldiers and civilians, between those on the front line and those on the home front", said Hoa..

Timeless songs like “Marching song”, “Wipe out the fascists” and “August 19” still live in people’s hearts, reminding them of the autumn of 1945 and the sacrifices made to wrest back independence and freedom for Vietnam.

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