(VOVworld) – On Wednesday, working groups and subcommittees entered the 5
th working day of the first APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-1) and related meetings in Nha Trang city. The meetings focused on Customs Procedures, Counter-Terrorism, Human Resource Development, Trade and Investment, and Competition Policy and Law.
The 4th working day of the first APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (Photo: Doan Tan/ VNA) |
The same day, the General Department of Taxation held a seminar on deploying an Action Plan for Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) in APEC.
The seminar is preparation for the two-day APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting (FCBDM) in Nha Trang City later this week, which will gather 100 state officials and experts from APEC, the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Participants discussed the BEPS action plan, particularly minimum standards and multilateral instruments. Their discussion will be translated into a report for submission at the APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting the next day.
On Tuesday, APEC delegations convened nine meetings as part of the 4th working day of SOM-1.
The first meeting of the Human Resources Development Working Group (Photo: VNA) |
The Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG) hosted three meetings to map out cooperation orientations and priorities in 2017, including the implementation of the APEC education strategy, preparations for a high-level policy dialogue on human resources development in the digital era to be held in Hanoi in May, and the 7th APEC Ministerial Meeting on human resources development in 2018.
The meeting of the Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade (EGILAT) was vital to promoting sustainable forest management and legal trade on timber products. Deputy Director General of the Vietnam Administration of Forestry Nguyen Van Ha affirmed Vietnam’s determination and achievements in preventing deforestation, and promoting afforestation, which is part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Other groups held meetings on February 21, including the Competition Policy and Law Group (CPLG), the Life Sciences Innovation Forum – Regulatory Harmonisation Steering Committee (LSIF – RHSC), and Counter Terrorism Working Group (CTWG).